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AgriEnvironmental Services

The policies integration process between agriculture and environment in Europe fosters the development of agricultural practices that preserve the environment and safeguard the countryside. Various EU directives and programmes, such as the Rural Development Programme, the Water Framework Directive, the Nitrate Directive and others, set strategic guidelines for the Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework by defining objectives and indicators to evaluate the progress and achievement in environmental protection measures.

The AgriEnvironment Service will contribute to the improvement of the timely and accurate monitoring of agricultural land use state and its changes at European, national and regional levels by providing common methodologies and indicators covering various temporal, spatial and thematic scales.

Based on user requirements, the AgriEnvironment Service aims at developing and improving agri-environmental indicators assessing:

  • Agricultural land use and trends;
  • Farming pressure on water and soil resources;
  • Impact of agricultural land use changes on biodiversity and landscapes.

These indicators will be generated simultaneously on four selected demonstration sites. They will be supplied at two scales: at the national/ catchment scale to provide an overview of the general status of the site and at the scale of hot spot areas requiring more specific monitoring techniques.

Key Benefits

  • Provision of a consistent and integrated set of agri-environmental indicators covering various temporal, spatial and thematic scales;
  • Analysis of the impact of agricultural land use changes on the environment and biodiversity;
  • Indicators provided at national/catchment scale and for hot spot areas.

Further Information

For further details please consult the AgriEnvironmental Service flyer (1,9 MB) or contact the AgriEnvironmental Services team by Email.

The AgriEnvironmental products and services are accessible on the geoland2 SDI Expert portal.

Monthly and annual irrigation volume estimates over the Midi-Pyrénées region in 2005 © Infoterra France
High Nature Value area in the Groene Woud region (Netherlands)
Estimated Soil Risk Erosion Map in the cross border of Strymonas river located

AgriEnv Monitoring Video


geoland2 is a Collaborative Project (2008-2012) funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme (project number 218795).
© geoland2 2011, All rights reserved.